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Parallel Lines


We need more women leaders and to get there, we need more women stories!!

Lead With A Story 

YOUR STORY is a community of women using their voices to grow as authentic leaders. 

There has never been a better time for a woman to tell her story, to embrace them and tell them proudly. It’s by telling our stories that we understand who we are, and it is only by understanding who we are that we are able to grow as authentic leaders and mobilize each other to grow together.

Your story matters and it is as unique as you. Trust your voice, tell your story, make an impact, and change the world. Let’s embrace and invest in our unique stories as women and share them loudly and widely, proudly, and unapologetically. Let’s show our vulnerability, stay true to our values and principles, and lead with purpose.

Finding your stories helps you understand who you are as a leader, and if others understand you better through your stories, you give them more ways to build bridges with you, leading to greater trust.

Every woman has a story to tell. In sharing we will learn from one another, and in learning we will share.

Your story matters and it is as unique as you. Trust your voice, tell your story, make an impact, and change the world. Let’s embrace and invest in our unique stories as women and share them loudly and widely, proudly, and unapologetically. Let’s show our vulnerability, stay true to our values and principles, and lead with purpose.

What's Your Story?

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