A moment that took ten years in the making.​
This wasn’t just a speech; this was my emancipation.
​I wrote my TEDX speech two years before I received the call. I was ready. Patient. Confident. I was just waiting for the stage to be ready for me.
And when the moment came, I stood on that giant red dot and declared to the world that I am a mom, loudly, proudly, and unapologetically.
My TEDx talk was on the seasonality of life, the power of personal stories, and how they shape our identities.
It was humbling standing on that red dot. Trying so hard to hold back my tears. Sinking in the magnitude of the moment.
A moment of validation.
Validation of my motherhood struggles, for the years I suffered alone in silence, for the constant rejections, the setbacks, and the perseverance to tell my story.
Thank you to my cheerleaders, my mentors, and the mamas.
Thank you for believing in me.
Thank you for telling me to keep on going.
Thank you for bringing me to that moment on the big red dot.
I will carry the TEDx badge with humility and continue sharing my story, and encouraging others to share theirs, loudly, proudly, unapologetically.